Théâtre la Danse du Dragon

People of the World
large mask making workshop
Dragon Dance Theatre home base >> Trois-Rivières, Québec G8Y4E8 CANADA
Dates: June 24 to August 31, 2024
Cost: Full 2 month > $ 3000 Canadian Dollars
includes : materials, documentation, direction, plus room and board.
Some scholarships are available.
Minimum stay is 2 weeks, and the cost for 2 weeks is $ 1000 CDN
The registration fee is 500 CDN.
This is non-refundable. Once you register, your place is reserved.
Accommodation is rustic -
tenting or dormitory
Special arrangements can be made upon demand
We will provide breakfast plus the main meal at lunch and a light evening supper.
Registration, questions, ideas:
Write to us at: dragondancetheatre2@gmail.com
Tell us why you want to undertake this residency and what you hope to accomplish
Tell us a bit about your self and your artwork, include photos or links
Provide us with the dates you'd like to stay, if possible, provide alternative dates
Give us your complete contact information, including address and phone numbers
References required